Sunday, September 5, 2010

Special Thanks Ladies:

Often times I reflect back as I plan ahead. Forging my way through countless friendships and relationships with People that have found their way into my life. So many times and all too often, these new People have somehow understood me very well or have misconstrued my words and sentiments. I’m a very understandable Fella and quick to answer if something should be questioned because of misunderstanding. I prefer to be on the level and not leave questions unanswered or answers unsaid. I’m very personable and passionate about relative activities and livelihood. I’m open to all for everyone to read and have nothing to hide in my life’s work. Making up to intelligent People is what stimulates me. People that are rash to judgment on others and try to pull the macho tough guy image is the laughing stock of the entire Planet these days. When you know you’re tough, the sweeter it’s okay to be in your sexuality & mental security about self.

All my Special Girl Friends always tell me how sweet I am and I take that as a compliment. I love treating them Special and always giving them my undivided attention. If I wanted to play and talk with the Fellas all the time, I’d be at the Gym, Office or return to a Governmental Position or any Workforce for that matter. All my Girl Friends these past few years has really given me a heads up and look ahead at how to treat my Daughter at all ages throughout the rest of our lives. I want to thank them for that. They know I try my best to read into them and understand so I can honestly value and appreciate their uniqueness and individuality. So to all my Lady Friends, this is a heartfelt thank you for making me a better Man, loving & understanding Father. You’ve made a huge change in my life and the future of my little Princess. Live, Love, Laugh, Listen & Learn!! xo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The March of a Student Soldier:

I wasn't the greatest Student. For many reasons. I held a job, steady serious girlfriend, was a lyricist and front man for a rock band, family, friends and then School. My older brother was already an enlisted reservist. I was wearing Marine Corps T-Shirts in 7th Grade. Desert Storm was happening during my Junior Year. My Senior year I worked for a Christian Based Global Outreach that sent goods and supplies to Rwanda before the Civil War. I was glued to CNN every night I had a chance to watch Television. I'd stay up all hours during the entire Crisis. I had watched all the old War Movies and knew my time was coming to serve the Nation. I was a wild child to my Friends and Family but was always Professional in the Workforce. After School, I signed up for the U.S. Army. Tested, Qualified & Trained in a Delayed Entry Status. Later to join the Corps where I was the only Recruit from the Murder Capital of the time, Memphis, TN. to Graduate Parris Island, SC as the smallest and toughest white kid in the Platoon. Later in my Military Schools, I graduated in the top Percentile of Marine Combat Training as #4 out of 75 Trained Warriors, Meritoriously Awarded and #6 out of 100 other Specially Trained Infantry Marines.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Giving: It's a conscious effort of your subconscious and the lack of the ability to do what's best because of peer pressure and social surroundings. Now that you've thought about it, when we realize we do it, connect the subconscious with the conscious and beware everything we do and say has repercussions to every and all of those around us.

Taking: All depends on Ego. When you're young, beware of the advice givers. Learn from those with happy & prosperous lives that have pursued the happiness by fair and just means. Don't fall into the category of codependent. Be the care giver and learn what it's like to be a Leader. So you can be at one with your learned behavior and teachings.

*Bear Hugs*

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Friends Forever:

Friends Forever


There was an Angel looking out for me

When my World was coming apart

She showed me how to be the Man

After giving her this cold lonely heart


It has been so painful over the years

That this life has caused so much doubt

I never want to see her hurt or struggle

Cry, lonely, in pain or even pout


As my mind dreams of special ways

As my heart is now in her care

I’ll love this Angel for my life

And in it everything I’ll gladly share


So as this Angel of Freedom and Liberty

Continues to show me love and trust

Giving my all as God shall Grant us

Receiving every precious moment a must


So now we’ve confronted my feelings

Sometimes best Friends would hide

I will promise her my loyalty

And try not to get lost in foolish pride


Now with this said and ever feeling down

All she has to do is come read and smile

And always know that our every minute

Was really worth our while



© 2010 Troy D. Beadles

Friday, July 16, 2010

An Artists Aptitude & Equality:

I came from a Middle Class Family growing up. My Father worked hard for my Mother and the three Children, Todd, Tracy & Troy. I’m the youngest of the siblings. Nine years younger than the oldest. I was taught strong Family Values and Respect. Unfortunately our Father was in Corporate Management and we moved around a lot. I was never settled in a School District for more than three years throughout School. It was always a challenge trying to adapt to the new Schools and Kids. Being the new Kid was always tough. What got me through hard times was Music. From a very young age my older Brother introduced me to Rock Music. From Bands like Kiss, Rush, Triumph and so many others. I felt like I grew up in his Generation when I really didn’t. I was born before the MTV, HBO Generation when life was simple and Carson owned the spotlight. All we had for entertainment was Cassette Tapes, Vinyl Records, FM/AM Radio, ABC, NBC & CBS. Times will never be like that again. I don’t want them too either. The entire World is now in a Digital Age where Music & Entertainment Giants have to adapt like I did to sustain any type of future and prosperity, including the Artists now understanding how I’ve been struggling for the past twenty years with my Music. Labels, Producers & Managers are going to have to start giving these People more Freedom to speak in Public Social Media so they can actually reach out to the Fans on a Grassroots Level. If they don’t, these Kids will know they aren’t real Artists but Egotistical, Money Grubbing, Spoiled People no matter how much their Bank account holds and they really don’t care about you Kids.

I learned how to work hard for what I wanted at a very young age. From allowance to my 12 year old job of cutting the neighborhood lawns and worked every year in numerous Positions until I retired from the workforce. Many, I’d like to say most of these Artists today were a shoe in to the Industry. They knew somebody that knew somebody for whatever reason and they were signed and marketed and you all think they are Stars because of it. There are so many talented Artists not on your TV & Radios that are even better than the high dollar mass produced Artists of today. The real People. Reaching out on a grassroots level, making Friends, Networking, helping others and marketing their own Product. We are called Independents. We will not sell out our life’s work to be told what to do and how to do it just to become a Star. We are too proud of how long we have worked at our Art and see the Majors as Power Hungry Slave Drivers. I have never approached a Major Label. I believe with this Digital Age, this Countries grassroots Artists do not need TV or FM Radio to become Globally recognized. I know I didn’t. I have Friends, Fans & Followers all over Earth and I’m not on your TV’s or Radio Stations. The Internet is our Stage. We love the Art & Power of the Music reaching out to the People more than the Money.

Now we have Major Artists like Bono & Prince that are Major Label Artists and Popular to TV Watchers that want to see the Internet go away just so they can Monopolize their Egotistical Mid Life Crisis Careers. Sorry Pals, not going to happen. There are Millions of us Artists, not just you two and your Major Labels & Fans. The Government needs to understand the Back Bone of the entire Industry is the Unsigned & Independent Artist & Digital Fans just next door or down the Street. And if the Government challenges that fact, they are in for a very rude awakening from America’s grassroots. We are now in a Global Society where Cultures clash and Powers collide but the People of this World with respect of Art of all types appreciate and honor their Friends around the World. So next time you think of some Star on your Television or FM Radio, ask yourself how you let that person influence you and why. Why weren’t you listening to something you like because you liked it, not just because it was popular or on a countdown and the Government allows it to be played on Air. Question Authority. Fight for your Rights! Be yourself!

Troy David Beadles

Monday, July 12, 2010

Taking the Wrong Turn:

I often wonder why I’ve spent these years alone. Sometimes I think it was because I knew what I wanted but took the wrong turn. Do you ever think about being a Kid riding with the Folks and your Pop says, we’ll take the short cut but it ends up being the long way home? You are either that Kid that sponged in the sites or you curled up in the back seat with your Sony Walkman, CD Player, today’s MP3 Player or Phone. I’ll always remember riding home to Illinois driving past the Cotton Fields, over the Mighty Mississippi, across the flats of Arkansas , through the hills of Missouri, past the St. Louis Arch that I always loved to see, then to the Illinois Sweet Corn. I was the kid that always remembered the Landmarks. Made straight A’s in Geography and could shoot an azimuth like no other. I always tried to listen to my Pop’s stories about Papa and couldn’t wait to get there to see my Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grand Parents & Friends. Family was the most important way of life and the only way of life back then. So many wonderful memories and the most cherished days of my life. I remember going to Dairy Queen, out for Pizza at the Families favorite spot, fishing with Papa in the old Coal Mines, eating Nana’s awesome cooking, Fish fry’s, playing Rocky, Scarface & Babyface with my Favorite Cousins. I never played Cowboys & Indians. Times were different up there back then. We always Celebrated the 4th of July with Family Friends & Neighbors. Went hiking and playing on Trails at the Local Park, Indian Mounds, Black Angus, Ice Cream in the Summer, the Blizzard of 1979, the YMCA and Family Picnics were the greatest. Helping Pop in the Garden & driving Mom crazy with wet snow suits and hot chocolate. Memories that I will always hold dear to me for the rest of my days. So when the next time you get a chance to ride, soak in everything and tell your Pop to take the short cut home and see if you get there any sooner than planned. Take off the head phones, strike up a conversation and in no time you’ll be feeling like you’re back home again. Because when that ride stops, you have either learned valuable life lessons or you have missed out on making childhood memories that will last a lifetime.

Troy David Beadles

Diversity & Cultural Art:

Sometimes without a doubt, we often misunderstand the direction today’s technology has brought the World closer and at the same time more dangerous. If we enable ourselves to be conscious about the repercussions of everything we do and say to our friends and families we could sustain more healthy relationships whether platonic or sexual and be it even at the workplace. First before all, you have to have the desire and will to stand up for yourself before you have the strength to support others. If you’re lacking in discipline and self esteem, surround yourself in a social atmosphere of other common interests for survival but ask yourself why diversity and culture are tomorrows changes happening every day. Because the People on this Planet no matter Race or Religion are constantly evolving and adapting to new and Worldly common ground of Human Development. Peace starts with this social atmosphere we call our past time in which we spend so much time on every day. No matter a Parents failure to teach you to be peaceful with peers. Parents teach you right and wrong as a child but it’s up to you and your decided social surroundings to adjust and adapt with the Governing Laws of your Country as an Adult. The differences with Western Society have been frowned upon for Centuries. But, I’d like to point out, with a Global Environmental and Economical Crisis at hand, it’s up to the Powers that Be to seek resolutions that will enable us to maintain our Traditions and also enable us to reach out to less fortunate Countries just now starting to understand what their youth needs to sustain peace and prosperity for future Generations.

With that said I’ll let you ponder and try to think freely and openly. I’m not demanding you make change, but I am asking you to wonder why these changes aren’t including you. If they aren’t, maybe that social surrounding you have come to feel comfortable has not let you prosper like you should have in the Pursuit of your Happiness. Art is a wonderful way to reach across lines of any Race, Color or Creed. God has given us all a talent, you just have to find it.

Live, Love, Laugh, Listen & Learn,

Troy David Beadles