Sunday, September 5, 2010

Special Thanks Ladies:

Often times I reflect back as I plan ahead. Forging my way through countless friendships and relationships with People that have found their way into my life. So many times and all too often, these new People have somehow understood me very well or have misconstrued my words and sentiments. I’m a very understandable Fella and quick to answer if something should be questioned because of misunderstanding. I prefer to be on the level and not leave questions unanswered or answers unsaid. I’m very personable and passionate about relative activities and livelihood. I’m open to all for everyone to read and have nothing to hide in my life’s work. Making up to intelligent People is what stimulates me. People that are rash to judgment on others and try to pull the macho tough guy image is the laughing stock of the entire Planet these days. When you know you’re tough, the sweeter it’s okay to be in your sexuality & mental security about self.

All my Special Girl Friends always tell me how sweet I am and I take that as a compliment. I love treating them Special and always giving them my undivided attention. If I wanted to play and talk with the Fellas all the time, I’d be at the Gym, Office or return to a Governmental Position or any Workforce for that matter. All my Girl Friends these past few years has really given me a heads up and look ahead at how to treat my Daughter at all ages throughout the rest of our lives. I want to thank them for that. They know I try my best to read into them and understand so I can honestly value and appreciate their uniqueness and individuality. So to all my Lady Friends, this is a heartfelt thank you for making me a better Man, loving & understanding Father. You’ve made a huge change in my life and the future of my little Princess. Live, Love, Laugh, Listen & Learn!! xo

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The March of a Student Soldier:

I wasn't the greatest Student. For many reasons. I held a job, steady serious girlfriend, was a lyricist and front man for a rock band, family, friends and then School. My older brother was already an enlisted reservist. I was wearing Marine Corps T-Shirts in 7th Grade. Desert Storm was happening during my Junior Year. My Senior year I worked for a Christian Based Global Outreach that sent goods and supplies to Rwanda before the Civil War. I was glued to CNN every night I had a chance to watch Television. I'd stay up all hours during the entire Crisis. I had watched all the old War Movies and knew my time was coming to serve the Nation. I was a wild child to my Friends and Family but was always Professional in the Workforce. After School, I signed up for the U.S. Army. Tested, Qualified & Trained in a Delayed Entry Status. Later to join the Corps where I was the only Recruit from the Murder Capital of the time, Memphis, TN. to Graduate Parris Island, SC as the smallest and toughest white kid in the Platoon. Later in my Military Schools, I graduated in the top Percentile of Marine Combat Training as #4 out of 75 Trained Warriors, Meritoriously Awarded and #6 out of 100 other Specially Trained Infantry Marines.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Giving: It's a conscious effort of your subconscious and the lack of the ability to do what's best because of peer pressure and social surroundings. Now that you've thought about it, when we realize we do it, connect the subconscious with the conscious and beware everything we do and say has repercussions to every and all of those around us.

Taking: All depends on Ego. When you're young, beware of the advice givers. Learn from those with happy & prosperous lives that have pursued the happiness by fair and just means. Don't fall into the category of codependent. Be the care giver and learn what it's like to be a Leader. So you can be at one with your learned behavior and teachings.

*Bear Hugs*

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Friends Forever:

Friends Forever


There was an Angel looking out for me

When my World was coming apart

She showed me how to be the Man

After giving her this cold lonely heart


It has been so painful over the years

That this life has caused so much doubt

I never want to see her hurt or struggle

Cry, lonely, in pain or even pout


As my mind dreams of special ways

As my heart is now in her care

I’ll love this Angel for my life

And in it everything I’ll gladly share


So as this Angel of Freedom and Liberty

Continues to show me love and trust

Giving my all as God shall Grant us

Receiving every precious moment a must


So now we’ve confronted my feelings

Sometimes best Friends would hide

I will promise her my loyalty

And try not to get lost in foolish pride


Now with this said and ever feeling down

All she has to do is come read and smile

And always know that our every minute

Was really worth our while



© 2010 Troy D. Beadles

Friday, July 16, 2010

An Artists Aptitude & Equality:

I came from a Middle Class Family growing up. My Father worked hard for my Mother and the three Children, Todd, Tracy & Troy. I’m the youngest of the siblings. Nine years younger than the oldest. I was taught strong Family Values and Respect. Unfortunately our Father was in Corporate Management and we moved around a lot. I was never settled in a School District for more than three years throughout School. It was always a challenge trying to adapt to the new Schools and Kids. Being the new Kid was always tough. What got me through hard times was Music. From a very young age my older Brother introduced me to Rock Music. From Bands like Kiss, Rush, Triumph and so many others. I felt like I grew up in his Generation when I really didn’t. I was born before the MTV, HBO Generation when life was simple and Carson owned the spotlight. All we had for entertainment was Cassette Tapes, Vinyl Records, FM/AM Radio, ABC, NBC & CBS. Times will never be like that again. I don’t want them too either. The entire World is now in a Digital Age where Music & Entertainment Giants have to adapt like I did to sustain any type of future and prosperity, including the Artists now understanding how I’ve been struggling for the past twenty years with my Music. Labels, Producers & Managers are going to have to start giving these People more Freedom to speak in Public Social Media so they can actually reach out to the Fans on a Grassroots Level. If they don’t, these Kids will know they aren’t real Artists but Egotistical, Money Grubbing, Spoiled People no matter how much their Bank account holds and they really don’t care about you Kids.

I learned how to work hard for what I wanted at a very young age. From allowance to my 12 year old job of cutting the neighborhood lawns and worked every year in numerous Positions until I retired from the workforce. Many, I’d like to say most of these Artists today were a shoe in to the Industry. They knew somebody that knew somebody for whatever reason and they were signed and marketed and you all think they are Stars because of it. There are so many talented Artists not on your TV & Radios that are even better than the high dollar mass produced Artists of today. The real People. Reaching out on a grassroots level, making Friends, Networking, helping others and marketing their own Product. We are called Independents. We will not sell out our life’s work to be told what to do and how to do it just to become a Star. We are too proud of how long we have worked at our Art and see the Majors as Power Hungry Slave Drivers. I have never approached a Major Label. I believe with this Digital Age, this Countries grassroots Artists do not need TV or FM Radio to become Globally recognized. I know I didn’t. I have Friends, Fans & Followers all over Earth and I’m not on your TV’s or Radio Stations. The Internet is our Stage. We love the Art & Power of the Music reaching out to the People more than the Money.

Now we have Major Artists like Bono & Prince that are Major Label Artists and Popular to TV Watchers that want to see the Internet go away just so they can Monopolize their Egotistical Mid Life Crisis Careers. Sorry Pals, not going to happen. There are Millions of us Artists, not just you two and your Major Labels & Fans. The Government needs to understand the Back Bone of the entire Industry is the Unsigned & Independent Artist & Digital Fans just next door or down the Street. And if the Government challenges that fact, they are in for a very rude awakening from America’s grassroots. We are now in a Global Society where Cultures clash and Powers collide but the People of this World with respect of Art of all types appreciate and honor their Friends around the World. So next time you think of some Star on your Television or FM Radio, ask yourself how you let that person influence you and why. Why weren’t you listening to something you like because you liked it, not just because it was popular or on a countdown and the Government allows it to be played on Air. Question Authority. Fight for your Rights! Be yourself!

Troy David Beadles

Monday, July 12, 2010

Taking the Wrong Turn:

I often wonder why I’ve spent these years alone. Sometimes I think it was because I knew what I wanted but took the wrong turn. Do you ever think about being a Kid riding with the Folks and your Pop says, we’ll take the short cut but it ends up being the long way home? You are either that Kid that sponged in the sites or you curled up in the back seat with your Sony Walkman, CD Player, today’s MP3 Player or Phone. I’ll always remember riding home to Illinois driving past the Cotton Fields, over the Mighty Mississippi, across the flats of Arkansas , through the hills of Missouri, past the St. Louis Arch that I always loved to see, then to the Illinois Sweet Corn. I was the kid that always remembered the Landmarks. Made straight A’s in Geography and could shoot an azimuth like no other. I always tried to listen to my Pop’s stories about Papa and couldn’t wait to get there to see my Cousins, Aunts, Uncles, Grand Parents & Friends. Family was the most important way of life and the only way of life back then. So many wonderful memories and the most cherished days of my life. I remember going to Dairy Queen, out for Pizza at the Families favorite spot, fishing with Papa in the old Coal Mines, eating Nana’s awesome cooking, Fish fry’s, playing Rocky, Scarface & Babyface with my Favorite Cousins. I never played Cowboys & Indians. Times were different up there back then. We always Celebrated the 4th of July with Family Friends & Neighbors. Went hiking and playing on Trails at the Local Park, Indian Mounds, Black Angus, Ice Cream in the Summer, the Blizzard of 1979, the YMCA and Family Picnics were the greatest. Helping Pop in the Garden & driving Mom crazy with wet snow suits and hot chocolate. Memories that I will always hold dear to me for the rest of my days. So when the next time you get a chance to ride, soak in everything and tell your Pop to take the short cut home and see if you get there any sooner than planned. Take off the head phones, strike up a conversation and in no time you’ll be feeling like you’re back home again. Because when that ride stops, you have either learned valuable life lessons or you have missed out on making childhood memories that will last a lifetime.

Troy David Beadles

Diversity & Cultural Art:

Sometimes without a doubt, we often misunderstand the direction today’s technology has brought the World closer and at the same time more dangerous. If we enable ourselves to be conscious about the repercussions of everything we do and say to our friends and families we could sustain more healthy relationships whether platonic or sexual and be it even at the workplace. First before all, you have to have the desire and will to stand up for yourself before you have the strength to support others. If you’re lacking in discipline and self esteem, surround yourself in a social atmosphere of other common interests for survival but ask yourself why diversity and culture are tomorrows changes happening every day. Because the People on this Planet no matter Race or Religion are constantly evolving and adapting to new and Worldly common ground of Human Development. Peace starts with this social atmosphere we call our past time in which we spend so much time on every day. No matter a Parents failure to teach you to be peaceful with peers. Parents teach you right and wrong as a child but it’s up to you and your decided social surroundings to adjust and adapt with the Governing Laws of your Country as an Adult. The differences with Western Society have been frowned upon for Centuries. But, I’d like to point out, with a Global Environmental and Economical Crisis at hand, it’s up to the Powers that Be to seek resolutions that will enable us to maintain our Traditions and also enable us to reach out to less fortunate Countries just now starting to understand what their youth needs to sustain peace and prosperity for future Generations.

With that said I’ll let you ponder and try to think freely and openly. I’m not demanding you make change, but I am asking you to wonder why these changes aren’t including you. If they aren’t, maybe that social surrounding you have come to feel comfortable has not let you prosper like you should have in the Pursuit of your Happiness. Art is a wonderful way to reach across lines of any Race, Color or Creed. God has given us all a talent, you just have to find it.

Live, Love, Laugh, Listen & Learn,

Troy David Beadles

Uncommon Love & Relationships:

Love counteracted by distrust leaves one to become unfaithful whether it be a job or relationship pending on an unspoken rule of justice.

Why Men become unfaithful often leans towards either insecurities or distrust of the Partner and most often leads to breakup or divorce.

Simple common ways to justify ones behavior is to never face up to what he or she has done to betray their Partner. Little are big things!

Example, routine. Basic in relationships. Must have foundation and common ground to make uncommon little things bigger than say large gifts.

Even though Gifts of love are special, they are not unique gifts if your routine is off kilter. Like make up sex, the more of it more often.

Once the couple has entered into that vicious cycle, more bickering if only for attention because the routine is not in order or common.

To be Special or in other words uncommon is too give & recieve never taking the smiles, hugs, winks, I love you's for granted ever, even mad.

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Letter from God to Women:

If you ever look at yourself and feel that you don't measure up, read this and your outlook will change before you finish reading it! This is good to keep, not just to read from time to time, but to also keep stored in your heart!

Enjoy, and remember who you are...

Letter from God to Women

When I created the heavens and the earth, I spoke them into being. When I created man, I formed him and breathed life into his nostrils. But you, woman, I fashioned after I breathed the breath of life into man because your nostrils are too delicate. I allowed a deep sleep to come over him so I could patiently and perfectly fashion you. Man was put to sleep so that he could not interfere with the creativity. From one bone, I fashioned you. I chose the bone that protects man's life. I chose the rib, which protects his heart and lungs and supports him, as you are meant to do. Around this one bone, I shaped you. I modeled you. I created you perfectly and beautifully. Your characteristics are as the rib, strong yet delicate and fragile. You provide protection for the most delicate organ in man, his heart. His heart is the center of his being; his lungs hold the breath of life. The rib cage will allow itself to be broken before it will allow damage to the heart Support man as the rib cage supports the body. You were not taken from his feet, to be under him, nor were you taken from his head, to be above him. You were taken from his side, to stand beside him and be held close to his side. You are my perfect angel.....You are my beautiful little girl. You have grown to be a splendid woman of excellence, and my eyes fill when I see the virtues in your heart. Your eyes......don't change them. Your lips-how lovely when they part in prayer. Your nose, so perfect in form. Your hands so gentle to touch I've caressed your face in your deepest sleep. I've held your heart close to mine. Of all that lives and breathes, you are most like me. Adam walked with me in the cool of the day, yet he was lonely. He could not see me or touch me. He could only feel me. So everything I wanted Adam to share and experience with me, I fashioned in you; my holiness, my strength, my purity, my love, my protection and support. You are special because you are an extension of me. Man represents my image, woman my emotions. Together, you represent the totality of God. So Men......treat Women well. Love her, respect her, for she is fragile.

*Send this to all of the wonderful women you know to bless their day. Your sisters, your mother, your daughters, the Ladies you work with everyday, even your online female friends. And send this to all the men in your life, that they can realize the gift God has given them.

(I didn't write this one but was so awesome I wanted to share with you)

Celebrity Gossip:

Personally I enjoy the Social aspect of gathering information about the positive & negative of a real system of Stars right here on Earth. Everyday People are given opportunity and some hath taken away. We all in one way or another strive to be granted a social welcome card with future possibility. To be somewhere where your future seems dull and pointless to a rewarding outcome of Social understanding and keen perception is a desire so many drive themselves to be. Without the creativeness and well being of that Social System, the People have nothing to have Entertain them or Dream of being when they awake from a never ending Crisis of Solitude and stagnation. Regardless of Economy, we all strive to Live, Love, Laugh, Listen & Learn and the let the Internet be our University of Life! Never let them limit us of our search for true & honest answers to the History tests and lessons for our Tomorrow. Gossip so it be, a language may we understand a Network of future possibilities.

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Troy Beadles 'Official' MySpace Music Profile:

@ (#Music #Videos | #Poetry #BLOGS | #Fashion #Art | #World #Network)



(Great for the Home or Office) @

4 Digital Acoustic Albums ON SALE NOW!

Available @ & UK ~ ~ ~ Search 'Troy Beadles'

Troy's T-Shirt Summer Sale:

U.S. Only! (sorry) @

More Poetry & Lyrics:


Get to know Troy:

I'm a single divorced Dad. When I married I adopted the Mrs'. First Biological Child and we had our own Biological Child. Both Girls.

I always walked my own path, was always an independent thinker, outspoken, strong willed, hard headed I guess I could say and never took orders well. I have a passion for Music and take pride in little things. I started working at the age of 12. I have done many things throughout my life. Everything from a Small Business Owner to a Dish Washer at an Italian Restaurant. I served in the United States Marine Corps Proudly. I try to live happily with what I have, I do not takes things for granted.

I've been online since 1995 and have met wonderful people all over the World thanks to technology. Has really given me an understanding of Culture, Religion, Language and Freedom. I've come to realize that taking chances are risky yet needed on some occasion. If my benefits outweight the loss and my life nor anyone I care about will be jeapordized.

I am sometimes spontaneous and love attention when I'm with someone special. Great conversation whether online or in person is very stimulating and rewarding to me. I love to give to make others happy and I do love surprises. I never ask anyone for anything if I don't need it and will share with those without if I have something they don't.

I appreciate the Arts and all forms of Entertainment and those in the Business that bring positive outlooks.

I am a very understanding individual, father, son, brother, uncle and cousin. I love all of my Family no matter what and am thankful they have all been blessed by our Communities and Friends alike. I spare no hesitation in helping any of the Family in times of need or crisis. I carry my ways with me though any workforce, friendship or relationship with whom I care about and that includes you my friends! Thanks for being here! :)

And for any Female friends that may be interested in a love connection I thought I'd might add a little something. "I'm looking for someone with good communication skills that I am physically and mentally attracted to. I haven't had a long lasting successful relationship in 10 years and I think it's about time I actually make some kind of asserted effort. I'm just getting bored with my lifestyle and could use a little fun." :) xo

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Our Future! Let Love Rule!

I want to find a Woman who writes music, plays and sings. I want to be able to wake up in the morning and create a masterpiece with her every day possible and I don't care if anyone hears it but us. I want a strong independent thinker willing to share and include me in her goals and sacrifices as I will do for her. I don't care if she's not America's Top Model, the World Smartest most Beautiful Girl. I don't care of she comes from a rich Royal Family or not. All I care about is if the two of us are compatible with the perfect mix of chemistry to last a lifetime as a couple. I do not want a 2 year Hollywood Marriage. I can live without being Star and in the Limelight. I've always been humble yet always confident.

Looks are very important to me as far as me being a Man that needs to be physically attracted but like I said, she doesn't have to be a Super Model or Super Star of Hollywood. Because the physical attraction starts with what I see of integrity, spirit, discipline, creativity, imagination, honesty and compassion with the understanding that I'm just a Man, she's just a Woman regardless of our backgrounds and pocket book.

We must put to rest the Human differences and way of thinking that our peers have for so long stole our Independence and Uniqueness most Men and Women have that make for success. I dare to be different Ladies and Gentlemen. I have been a Man of my own Path. Learning right from wrong thru trial and error and accepting spoils on occasion when feeling the need to share in a moment, to accept love and in return I gave back by never intending to take things for granted. I don't run with a pack anymore. My friends are close, but at bay. We know how to be there for each other when we need help but we keep our distance. We allow each other to not be influenced daily by the others actions or way of thinking. Peer pressure is slowly being removed from my personal dictionary. I do what I want to do, when I want to do it and no one tells me what to do. She needs to feel somewhat the same in being a Leader, not a follower and to graciously accept a challenge in a friendly way, not as of competition with a Man but as a Team Player that could share the winnings and losses ready to get back up on the horse if we were to fall. Most great Pilots need a Navigator and guys, Women can fly to.

In my thoughts this morning, now reflecting back on my last 10 years of being without a wife, gone from being a full time Dad to a part time sitter has been the absolute worst 10 years of my life. I've come a long way with my music but my health, finances and family have suffered.

I'm going to make due for tomorrow by never losing sight on the prize and that is Eternal life wherever that may be and I don't want to go at it alone. So as I sit here, wishing I could be there with that special person I am making sure that any negative tendency or ill will towards self is long forgotten and never praised by those that have witnessed any sin I may have committed in my past. I need my Woman to make a selfless promise to never aggravate just to fight, never lie, cheat nor steal and to always be trusting, faithful, loyal and strong as I will do the same for her. As an equal partner in the flesh, to survive an ever struggling World we should let go of the self righteousness and rejoice in our demand for change and Unity. To bond our Friends and Families no matter any differences and be proud of each other thru the good times and the bad. If we were to never Marry but still felt the Grace of each others Love, made it thru a lifetime together and searched for spirituality, we will be together for all time only to be forgiven by whoever is running the show.

So as I leave you in thought, I hope you all enjoyed a Morning read and pondered on what you want the future to be with you. I wish you all goodluck in your pursuit of happiness and well being. Be strong, find Faith in something and strive to be the best you can possibly be in everything you do. Always be proud of your accomplishments and always be prepared for loss. We all win some and we all lose some. Live, love, laugh, listen and learn!

Each moment is precious and life is too short to waste it on hate, anger and jealousy. You betray yourself when you allow the negative to control your mind. Let go, open your hearts and become Independent again. Do for yourself and help others if they need it with good intentions to partner with that special person.Friends and Foes, let love Rule!

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About the Man & the Music:

Troy was born in Chicago Heights, Illinois USA. His family moved South to Memphis, TN in 1982.

Troy was influenced heavily from the Soul, Jazz, Blues, Funk, Folk, Rock and Country of the South growing up. Troy appreciates all genres of Music. Troy spent many years in Memphis, Tennessee and Tupelo, Mississippi where he currently resides.

Troy has been writing songs, playing guitar and singing with bands, friends and family since 1989 but has been avidly listening to Music literally all of his life. Troy's older Brother Todd Beadles gave Troy his first guitar in 1986 as a gift.

Troy's music is an original collection of thoughts, passion and influence that is difficult to put a label on one genre. Troy is enjoying his new solo music these days after leaving the Hard Rock/Metal Scene at the turn of the Millennium.

All Albums are produced, written, composed and recorded all by Troy. It's a unique style. Very different than your everyday mainstream but it's a cool mix of an unplugged acoustic style coming from the Birth City of Elvis Presley, Tupelo, MS.

Fun Fact! Troy is left handed and all of his music online is him playing all instruments right handed! Thank you all for your support! Please help spread the word.

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Humanitarian Enlightenment of a Posing Globalization:

New Tweet Blog:

Humanitarian Enlightenment of a Posing Globalization is not welcomed if superimposed by past events. Peace can be achieved in two ways.

What we have is a collision of Ancient Rites & Beliefs and a Common Goal of Sustainability through understanding and talks. Not threats!

Tomorrows Youth, need the Elders Divine Moral & Undivided Attention. It's up the Men & Women who bare life to decide that life's options.

Every separation and divorce will either take away some options of that life or you had a plan to make that child more options possible.

So as you consider a Union, have a plan. This is where lust devastates kids today. Western Culture needs to prepare these kids better 4life.

Diseased & Poverty stricken young Adults in America have become an Entrepreneurial Society for Survival! I speak of Mental & Physically.

All these young Adults in America have either been wrongly taught or have become a product of American Dreams. Which is it?

I use the word wrongly loosely. You can't just throw a kid out into Society without knowing that kid has learned from you. U have to teach!

If you're just out screwing around making babies and legalizing abortion for Population Control, we are in a messed up Society.

Today, most of us intelligent People have Computers and Mass Communication. With National Efforts and we still need Disciplinarians @ home.

It's up to the Elders to Filter what your Young is learning. Reason why we have Legal Adulthood Laws. Children need Physical Education!

Schools all over the Country will soon have Computers if not already. Cardiovascular Disease will incline and children more lazy.

Smarter and stronger Mentally perhaps but Physically placing their lives into what will become a more common devastating problem.

Kids will become less likely to Marry n Lust but for Spiritual & Intellectual reasons with real Physical Attraction. More plan less disease.

Physically & Mentally preparing the Leaders of tomorrow is now a daunting task in an ever Changing Intelligent Society at home & workplace.

With limits we would be sabotaging our own History in America's love for Cultural Diversity & Balance their of. Adults need free Education.

I don't call the Internet the Super Highway or Web anymore. I call it the University of Life. We are all International Students now.

We learn about other Races, Cultures, Religions, Creeds & Cars. :) W/ that Entrepreneurial Spirit of wellness the American Dream is Strong.

So not to superimpose to the Schools Mac's & PC's, make your Educational future strong with Mental & Physical toughness 4 sustainability.

In closing of this mornings thoughts, I give thanks to all that have read, understood and even opinionated this daunting task for Youth!

Troy David Beadles

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Entrepreneurs in Life & Music:

Today's thoughtful Topic; I thought I'd touch on a little something of interest for legal victims, risky entrepreneurs in Life & Music.

Sometimes the clarity of an opinion is misconstrued as the wrong advice. Take preliminary precautions even when debating amongst Friends.

The stronger you feel on a matter, it is wise to speak softly on the subject then to baffle your witnesses with furious unjust anger.

Acting upon insinuation without proper legality leads to more uninformed and unyielding innuendo's with little to no true hard facts.

Hearsay is nothing but a he said she said rumor between two powers in a struggle muscling for rank and publicity wrong or right.

And when you decide to protect the manipulator, you've been eaten up by the lesser good just to be used up and forgotten.

"To be inspired by something you know very little about is to not think about what you don't understand but what you are willing to learn."

When Music has been speaking to your heart, mind, body and soul all of your life, you're left with conclusions not answers by opposition.

A Free & Democratic Society has very fine lines. And to either side it's knowledgeable that a true balance is never aligned perfectly.

Troy David Beadles

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Touching on Gas Emissions & Rising Sea Levels:

We need Humane reform of our Gas Emissions for Grazing Heards. We need to somehow turn these Gases into reusable fuel sources of some kind.

With Scientists working on a new large scale self reliable and energy sufficient humane indoor Structure for Cattle, we could recycle gas.

And decrease emissions protecting the Ozone and preserving Life on Earth for a longer Period. Climate change is inevitable dues to this gas.

If we want to continue to be able to grill and eat a Ribeye by 2050. I've not tried the Man made Meat yet. Eating more Veggies though.

Serving up man-made meat: Article from August 2005!

Read up on the Sir Paul McCartney's 'Meat Free' Campaign on his MySpace Blog @

Next Topic: 'Lowering rising Sea Levels from Arctic Melting'. A growing Army Corps of Engineers. Reservoirs, Rivers, Streams, Lake & Pond.

Why have not little Venice's all around the Country? Rise in Real Estate, Tourism, Water Travel, Ships & Boats, Fishing, Countless Jobs!

Canals and Love Boats. Fine Dining, Romantic Rides, Dancing, Holy Unions, Gaming, Public Transportation & Shipping of Domestic Goods. ?

That could also make for more Water Turbine Energy for Vertical Water Ways running North to South across the Country & Irrigate more Crops.

We could turn the Western United States into a plush green oasis for more agriculture and City Planning & Development throughout the Region.

This could also take on a Multi Nation effort giving Mexico Energy, Farming & Harvesting. With Canada as a Precious resource.

In the time being, the U.S. could already start destilization water treatment Facilities and pipe in massive amounts to Western U.S.

So basically, we can lose Cities or we can build Cities.

Troy David Beadles

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Needs & Necessities of Social Acceptance:

The evolution pertaining to the needs and necessities of Social Acceptance within a Foreign online Environment is crucial for development.

Without others willing to show a friendly gesture of acceptance, the new comer may indeed feel as if he/she isn't welcome. Be understanding!

Understanding is a need for Social response and a concept so many judgmental egotists love to debate their opinion just for the sake of it.

Even when half of them haven't been online for even 10 years. I've studied avidly online for going on 16 Internet years as my University.

I call it, University of Life! This social Network is like a Cache of Cliff Notes. Everything under the sun and darkness is 2b discovered.

Your tests are to stay within the Governing Laws of your Government but free to learn about anything you can think of w/ a monthly Payment.

As we sit here and read, the Friends we gathered as we are learning are free to speak and reply at any time for whatever reason they desire.

When I briefly @ in Public please do not consider this Spam. It's my Public Record! I rarely DM anyone but just a few I really trust.

As a Singer, Song Writer, Story Teller, Poet w/ a Great sense of Comedic Acting I'm Networked with other Artists & others in Entertainment.

My Business as it grows depends on the basic promotional friend/follower factor as does your if you think about it. The more u @ the better.

Everyday we all get new Followers. And that @ is a Headline with your name in it. Starting to understand the needs and necessities?

So now you understand what I'm doing a little better, we all should take our Daily TwitterTroplis Vitamin called a Good Morning @ & a :).

Troy David Beadles

@WhiteHouse Good Morning! :)

Almost $80,000 Raised in 2.5 years for my Hunger & Poverty Charity Cause thanks to #SocialVibe

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Enduring Friends and Found Treasure:

Tonights Mission; Enduring Friends and Found Treasure!

Friends, of what once was is now a New Chapter. Not just in a Book, but an entire Collection. Petty as that once was, the new Days begin.

In the unforseen future lies an ever telling tale of a mysterious Spiritual betrayal of old Kinship. Refurbished anew and gratefully retold.

Are the stories of the forbidden and those who thou immortal. Spoken to in forces greater than Earth has ever seen. Manifest thy History.

Recollection by once begotten strangers of the night lurk. Scrounging for resemblance to an Ancient past. They seek truth and wisdom.

When their spoken word and their Ancient text is right before them in their study. When indeed they've wronged the right for Justice sake.

When in doubt the formed Clan decided to parish to become immortal in a dark realm of Eternity. For greatness they never betrayed.

But the living, low and behold sought lies and injustice. Betrayal by all means of protecting themselves from their own crimes.

In which the Masters of their Fate, bare strong burden on everlasting grace and turmoil that their forefathers never expected to be strong.

Only those who bare witness to the Present now, shall hold thy Key to the Future. The Past hath warned Earth. of Sin & Betrayal.

Generations of tomorrows history dictates the who, what, when, where and why of last promise and peaceful reception of the World Youth.

Be it not in temptation of Gatherings of protest. Shall be the Protest and Gatherings of the reluctant in an ever learning Society of Law.

When old Friends can't be found, remember their laughter. For who laughs last, is either slow or misinformed by the right foe.

And then remember when a thought is all you have left, you had no one to carry on your plan. Survival, we all understand our Fate now.

Troy David Beadles

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The World @ Constant Change:

"What lies ahead of a social failure is reasoning and conforming to your new habitat only if you are wise enough to endure the changes." TDB

Humanity, studied for Millenniums, leads to conforming & non conforming to Social Behavior & Habitat. Reasons for mass exodus and migration.

Differences between Cultural Gatherers, should be welcomed and condoned by 21st Century Cities for Financial & Educational Purpose.

To live in Peace with others so different, is to be proud of your differences and welcome the differences of your surroundings. Self worth!

Believing in yourself, you are wise enough to believe in others. Keep guard but not brand guard for peaceful purpose, prosperity & pleasure.

A Mecca of Cultural Science & Sociology intertwined w/ 21st Century Technology is the Future of Mass Communication btween Peaceful Nations.

The Future is now! Cities will adopt new sources of higher education or they will continue to see a decline in Financial & Cultural Growth.

The U.S.A. is an Immigration Nation. Without our hard workers who are the back bone of Society, the Leaders will fail to adjust at home.

And the State Cultural Wellbeing will fail the System which will lead to more crime and corruption between Creed, Race, Religion and Art.

Art is an International Study as the Periodic Tables are to all Mankind. Without understanding, there would be no evolution to the future.

Beyond Borders, there is difference. Upon those differences are Ancient Beliefs. Try not to disavow ones misunderstanding but know yours.

Troy David Beadles

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My Everything:

My Everything....

.. ..

Well the seasons do change

As our life passes us by

You are the shine in the sun

And the warmth will make you mine

.. ..

The summer breeze changes direction

I’m glad it brought you my way

You are the stars of the night

You help me make it through the day

.. ..

I was in need of a true friend

When you were washed upon the shore

You are the water in the ocean

And it is you I adore

.. ..

When I was feeling so low down

I was lifted back to my feet

You are the clouds of the sky

I can face victory or defeat

.. ..

My life needed a direction

You were there to give me light

You are the footprints in the sand

When I was blind you gave me sight

.. ..

Sometimes my thoughts aren’t so clear

But you always help me decide

You are the blooms of the flowers

You’re there when I need to cry

.. ..

I was lost in a world of pain

You taught me to relieve the sorrow

You are the blood in the man

And now I can live for tomorrow

.. ..

When a man has no foundation

You cannot build up from the ground

You are the ivory of the towers

And my life in heaven shall be found

.. ..

There was a lack of admiration

Then you showed me the whole world

Oh Lord, you are my everything

And I’ll walk through those gates of pearl

.. ..

You are the shine in the sun

You are the stars of the night

You are the water in the ocean

You are the clouds in the sky

.. ..

You are the footprints in the sand

You are the blooms of the flowers

You are the blood in the man

You are the ivory of the towers

.. ..

You are in my everything Lord

The sky

The Ground

And the seven seas…

© 2010 (Troy D. Beadles)

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Art Appreciation @ Human Development:

Today @ The University of Life, my Followers read Art Appreciation and Sociology of Human Development. ;o)

Take a Journey with Troy through times of love, hate, fact, fiction and fantasy to rekindle the passion for Freedoms of Expression!


Unlike a Commercial Advertising Strategy for Large Scale Production and Broadcast Cable & FM Marketing, Free Internet Music is Popular!

Over the last 2 years I've helped raise almost $80,000 for my Hunger & Poverty Charity Cause with the help of Clink Site Link!

Today's Mission is to embellish my life with beautiful creative inspiration by Positive Art, Pure thoughts and Understanding of Humankind.

Reading into someones Reality through Art is a learned behavior consuming the project with an open mind, imagination and skill.

Inheriting a skill and learning a skill is like instinct & the lack of talent in which the saying goes, practice makes perfect. Not always!

Not always is this true. Some are born with Natural Skill and the right mindset to create and share, verbally & physically their true Art.

Art is really a Blessing to be Natural or Learned. We must reach out to wandering eyes & ears and sustain a viable resource to continue it.

Without Parental Assistance I've made 12 Digital Album Collections Previously for Sale. Many have been combined & now on iTunes. FREE for U!

Over the past 20 years of writing & story telling, each new approach is always just that. New. Each Piece is celebrated by it's uniqueness.

When I started writing back in 1989/90 I never wanted to nitch or have a set sound. My Vocals are used as an instrument different to each 1.

So my entire life's work is a Compilation of experimentation through both Natural Ability & Learned Skill creating Music like never heard.

I hope that someday I could utilize my Talents for Television & Film more so than Radio as an Independent Writer. Construct & Reconstruct!

My Dramatization in Vocal, Lyric and Sound is a Form I've Pondered on and Practiced for years w/ 20 years of Emotions & Creative Release.

My 4 Solo iTunes Albums are Post Lead Singer for Rock Bands Era. At the turn of the Millenium I stopped pursuing Front Man Duties to play.

I never found playing covers was something I ever wanted to do. I never have for money. It's hard to recreate the passion of the writers.

I may randomly strike a chord or scale of notes sounding similar to something Popular but purely by accident. I don't follow Radio often.

I simply write for my own pleasure and creative release. If I couldn't listen to myself over & over I wouldn't write anymore. I love myself.

And with the World Wide Web I've had the Opportunity to share my Talents for the past 14/15 years as a personally accomplished Free Artist.

Very grateful for my loyal Fans & Listeners that can take an idea and prosper with the help of someone that can take them to a higher Level.

There is a fine line between being confident & over bearing depending on the subject & matter at hand. Self respect is confidence.

Self Respect & the Opposite Sex: It's great for Men to have Female Friends if their Self Respect & Discipline doesn't harm the Relationship.

Respecting yourself is the way you will have Self Esteem. By your Language and Generosity to others giving and receiving graciously.

Weather it be Body Language or Verbal Spoken Word. I'm not the best looking Guy at all but I'm confident w/ Self Respect and Generosity.

Be not afraid to approach someone attractive that you think may be out of your League. Looks don't mean everything to many Woman. They help!

But your Education, Body Language, Attire and Spoken Word plays a vital role to even get to buy a Pretty Girl a Drink at the Bar. Look nice!

When you are presentable to the opposite sex & you feel good, your esteem of the moment will allow you to become more confident next time.

The more and more confident you feel about yourself, the less likely you'll abuse the relationship you've had entrusted by a Friend/Lover.

Knowing the Difference! Friends First, tricky for Women Guys, admit it. We make our moves w/ strategic maneuver. Don't ruin a good thing.

Unless confident enough of the History you've shared with that Friend. I've never stole a Women from a Boyfriend or Husband purposely.

In fact I never will. I have been cheated on and I have cheated on a girlfriend. Trust issues are confidence breakers for Friends & Lovers.

When I understood I did wrong, my confidence was regained because I learned from my mistake and never did it again to be proud later.

Theoretically Speaking, Friends are Friends to the confident and one secure in his or her sexuality. Don't cross lines if your happy period.

When you're unhappy and in a Holy Union, the Bible says to not remarry. Quick touch on it, reason we are all called sinners, People Divorce.

When I was Married, my Wife wasn't a Christian and we had no Holy Matrimony. So I grew up Christian, I feel I can Marry again someday.

Away from Religion, a Private & Personal Belief to a more Public Social thought is Language. May we all speak to each others understanding.

Misconceptions are often used as excuses from poor listeners. When someone takes time to speak with you, give them your full attention.

Ask questions if something is misconstrued. Don't get mad and bottle up an emotion to explode at a later date. Open lines of communication.

Communication is key for any Job or Relationship, platonic or sexual. To sustain lasting love, it's a Job. You must work at it everyday.

Disagreements and heated discussions leads to resentment and jealousy. Don't storm out of the house, write them a letter. Okay to say sorry!

Sorry for what? For not handling it in a Civil Manner! Stand for what you believe in. Keep the voices down and no Physical altercations.

That one argument could be the last. If your Partner is unstable & you don't feel safe, Divorce is Legal. Shouldn't reconcile in this case.

But if you have had great communication with the Partner and one too many arguments, suggest Counseling and Prayer together for the Kids.

Each Friendship is worth an asserted effort regardless of length and depth to accommodate the others Feelings. What we have here is Pride.

You must use your head and don't ever hurt a Friends Pride. It causes automatic stress and trauma to a Friendship. When run out, it's gone.

When you lose your Pride, Self Esteem and the Lack of Self Respect cause you to lower your Social Standard and Perceptions of Life in Gen.

That's why we say my Feelings have been hurt. When a Friend says that, don't blow it off, make up for it in an uncommon fashion.

For you younger Followers I hope I've help you grow in thought. For my older Followers I hope I've reminded there is still hope. Done 4 now!

Troy David Beadles

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